Featured News

Barn Dance raises over $50,000 for Hearts

By DeeDee Conrad on Jun 01, 2018 at 09:41 AM in Featured News

Hearts hosted its annual Barn Dance fundraising event on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 at the Carriage and Western Art Museum in Santa Barbara.


The Hoofbeat Newsletter - December 2017

The Hoofbeat Newsletter - December 2017
By DeeDee Conrad on Dec 01, 2017 at 11:34 AM in The Hoofbeat Newsletter, Featured News

During this Holiday Season, I reflect on what all I am grateful for this year. Since joining the team here at Hearts in May, I’ve been so grateful for all the support from volunteers, donors, the board, families, and students. When the barn burnt to the ground on day 3 of my employment, it was truly amazing to see the community efforts in helping us out – from donations of feed to donations towards rebuilding.


Photography by Emily Hart-Roberts

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